Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
The consortium leader is a leading polytechnic university in Central and Eastern Europe with competencies spanning materials science, biotechnology, sociology, economics, law, and artificial intelligence. BME has considerable experience in EU projects and is ranked #2 among Hungarian institutions in Horizon 2020. The university operates a professional European grants office, offering expertise in supporting and managing higher education projects. D&C activities will be supported by the communication team of the Center for University-Industry Cooperation, which has considerable expertise in implementing the ecosystem approach. BME coordinates the international Advanced Bio-based Chemicals and Materials TWG of BIOEAST and is in the process of setting up the Hungarian National BIOEAST HUB. BME leads WP5-6 on bioeconomy research
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
One of the leading innovation research organizations in Europe, Fraunhofer possesses broad expertise in innovation research, combining technical, economic, political, and social science knowledge. The project’s team has a successful track record in Teaming for Excellence projects, providing scientific support in capacity building and strategy development. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft mainly supports the creation of an inclusive innovation culture (WP9), policy interactions, and BEAMING Toolbox development (WP10).
Agricultural University – Plovdiv
The leading higher education institution in agricultural and life sciences, agricultural innovations, and bioeconomy agri-business in Bulgaria. The Agricultural University – Plovdiv is actively working on capacity building for formulating and implementing a bioeconomy strategy in the municipality of Plovdiv and the Plovdiv region. The Agricultural University – Plovdiv leads BEAMING efforts towards achieving an inclusive innovation culture at Widening High Education Intitutions (WP9).
BioEast HUB
The first national BIOEAST HUB, established in line with the BIOEAST Governance and Roadmap, with the support of the Czech Ministry of Agriculture to gather stakeholders and support their engagement in Bioeconomy. The BIOEAST HUB coordinates two international BIOEAST TWGs (Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy, Bioeconomy Education). BIOEAST HUB leads the establishment and continuous operation of the BEAMING Alliance and its key building blocks, the Communities of Practice (WP3-4).
A non-profit company established among local actors and stakeholders of Western Macedonia, Greece, through continuous collaboration in previous projects. Its mission is to enhance collaboration and increase knowledge by promoting innovation and synergies between regional stakeholders in bioeconomy and sustainability. CluBE contributes greatly to knowledge transfer (WP8), stakeholder engagement (WP10), as well as communication and dissemination activities (WP11-12).
University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek
A modern higher education institution that conducts scientific activities, provides 8 university courses, and 13 lifelong learning programs. In the past 10 years, it implemented 93 professional and international scientific projects, with 12 being in progress. The faculty enables economic entities to apply the latest knowledge in food technology and biotechnology. The University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek contributes greatly to bioeconomy research (WP5-6), and knowledge valorization (WP8) training, and other activities.
Express Innovation Agency
The Agency supports the National R&D&I Office of Hungary through talent management programmes, innovation promotion, training, and mentoring, helping growing businesses with valorization, mentoring, and incubation support, fostering startups to reach the next level with international contacts and preparation for European funds. Its goal is to help the entire innovation ecosystem, regardless of the discipline as an information and active support hub with strong relations with policy stakeholders. The Express Innovation Agency contributes greatly to knowledge transfer (WP8), Quadruple Helix ecosystem (WP5-6), and policy interaction (WP10) efforts.
The Institute for Development and Innovation (IRI)
An economic think tank established in Belgrade, Serbia, with a vision to establish an economically and democratically developed society based on equal opportunities. IRI leads WP10 and contributes greatly through policy analysis and recommendations (WP10), Quadruple Helix stakeholder analysis and engagement (WP5) and open innovation management (WP8).
Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Stiinte Biologice (INCDSB)
As a centre of excellence in Life Sciences, INCDSB provides expertise on fundamental and applicative research in top domains like biotechnology, biodiversity, and bioinformatics. Its multidisciplinary research teams are working actively in agriculture and food, biodiversity, biomedicine research and actively supported by a horizontal structure consisting of biotechnology, bioproducts, bioanalysis, and bioinformatics. INCDSB leads WP8 and contributes greatly to innovation management and knowledge transfer (WP8), as well as bioeconomy research (WP5-6) efforts.
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
The only Austrian university specialized in natural resources management and life sciences with a strong focus on Bioeconomy. Its established Centre for Bioeconomy coordinates all related research, education, and innovation activities of its 15 departments. BOKU is actively engaged in the European Bioeconomy University Alliance EBU and other networks (ICA, BIOEAST). As the current president of EBU, BOKU represents the university alliance in BEAMING. BOKU supports the lead of WP5-6 and WP7, contributing greatly to bioeconomy research and open science efforts, respectively.
Sustainable Innovations is a Spanish consultancy firm that provides innovative services to a wide range of sectors across Europe: bio-based industry, energy, industry 5.0, circular economy and advanced materials, among others. The core competencies offered by Sustainable Innovations are structured in two main pillars which bridge the gap between the ideas and the market. On one hand, the R&D management area offers expertise in grant writing, project integration, and advisory services. On the other hand, we are involved in EU project execution, leading several tasks revolving around communication, exploitation, and project administration.
Educons University
Private university in the Region of Vojvodina, founded as a unique entrepreneurial response to the current economic and social transitions in Serbia. The Faculty of Ecological Agriculture carries out its program in accordance with contemporary trends in agricultural science and practice, following up on requirements of sustainable development, biointegral and/or organic agriculture, green economy, and environmental sustainability. Educons University contributes mainly to interdisciplinary bioeconomy research (WP5-6) related training and other efforts.
University of Banja Luka
A public higher education and research institution conducting education and training, as well as research and development, including transfer of knowledge and technologies. The University hosts the EURAXESS Bridgehead Organization, has received a logo for HR Excellence in Research, and is a regular member of the OpenAIRE network. UNIBL brings the experience in building up an open and inclusive research environment (WP9) through various activities, besides contributing to bioeconomy research (WP5-6) efforts.
University of Pannonia
A significant High Education Institute I in the Transdanubian region of Hungary. Its Climate Change National Lab deals with biodiversity conservation research, focusing on comprehensive and multi-level analyses to better understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change, including the social and economic aspects of sustainability at several levels. Its Social Innovation National Lab provides startup incubation and entrepreneurship training and events. The University of Pannonia leads WP11-12 on communication and dissemination and contributes greatly to project efforts in knowledge valorization and capacity building towards a more entrepreneurial mindset in academia (WP8).
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
The first state University in the Republic of North Macedonia, founded in 1949, with a functional community of 23 faculties, 5 research institutes, 4 public scientific institutions. It provides study programs as well as research in all scientific fields, including biotechnical sciences. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University contributes mainly to bioeconomy research (WP5-6), stakeholder engagement, and policy-making efforts (WP10).
Agricultural University of Tirana: A public university focusing its activity in agriculture and environment, agricultural economics, and forestry, as well as the economic and social impacts innovation and technology transfer. AUT is actively engaged in “internationalization” of bachelor’s, master’s study programs and doctoral studies. In the BEAMING project AUT will contribute as partner in all objectives of the project but mainly on WP 5, WP 7, WP 11 with the focus on Quadruple Helix innovation approach, Open Science practices and Dissemination task.
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture
A High Education Institute involved in scientific research with a mission to develop scientific disciplines and dissemination of knowledge gained in economy and society. The University of Novi Sad is the biggest and most relevant institute in the Western Balkans in agriculture and the application of other disciplines in the agricultural field, equipped to deliver and deploy multidisciplinary research. The University of Novi Sad leads WP7 on open science and contributes greatly to bioeconomy research (WP5-6) and stakeholder engagement (WP10) activities.