The BEAMING Project, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at advancing the bioeconomy sector, celebrated its kick-off meeting in Budapest, Hungary, from the 26th to the 27th of February 2024. The consortium, comprising 17 partner organizations, convened to lay the foundation for the project’s success, determining the work plan for the next 48 months, as well as outlining specific tasks and activities for each work package. Hosted by Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), the kick-off meeting marked the beginning of an ambitious journey towards strengthening the bioeconomy research landscape.

At the heart of the BEAMING Project are key objectives that underscore its significance in the realm of bioeconomy. The project aims to bolster the skills and abilities of early-stage researchers in bioeconomy areas, advocating for institutional reforms, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, facilitating technology transfer, and promoting an inclusive culture within the bioeconomy community.

This four-year venture is part of the prestigious Horizon Europe program, showcasing its commitment to advancing research excellence, innovation, and competitiveness in the bioeconomy sector. With a keen focus on Research, Open Science, Knowledge Valorization, and Inclusive Innovation Culture, BEAMING aspires to be a catalyst for positive change in the bioeconomy landscape.

BEAMING’s approach involves a strategic collaboration between higher education institutions, industry players, government bodies, and civil society. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, the project seeks to create a dynamic ecosystem that drives progress in bioeconomy research and development.

As the BEAMING Project sets its sights on the future, it holds the promise of not only advancing scientific knowledge and technological innovation but also fostering a more inclusive and collaborative culture within the bioeconomy community. With the kick-off meeting successfully paving the way for the project’s implementation, the next four years are poised to witness transformative advancements that will shape the bioeconomy sector for years to come.

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